I didnt sleep for whole night coz studying n preparing for Islamic Studies exam yesterday morning...exam started at 9 n finish at 11... i arrived at college at 7.50..damn early right.. dat because i want to have my last minute revision... crazy me yea... after the exam i'm satisfied with all my answer..
den i went to oneU at 11.30...feel like going to gym...i worked up la... den after that i went for dodgeball practice at Padang at OneU upper roof...until 4.30pm..
den watching movie with linardy,fei,benny,vince with his gf, kal sine, darlene, bernice n wan ching. what movie aa...huhu.. i never heard bout that movie..it is Kung Fu Hip Hop...waa my rating for that movie is 2.5 from 5....damn !$@#%...

den went dinner with them at MyNews Cafe... we sitting outside then during eating I saw bunch of group walking wearing black t-shirt.. den i saw CHRIS DAUGHTRY in the middle of the group.. but i wondering why no one follow them or ask for photograph or what...the bodyguard also guard him very tight....den the group pass us around 4 times... but still i cannot his photo..huhu...

1 comment:
kalau aku dengan jakunnya aku pergi kat chris n mintak photo dia!
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